Evil, no matter how bad such as the holocaust, can be trumped by good

Sir Nicholas Winton, who set an example of good triumphing over evilSir Nicholas Winton, who set an example of good triumphing over evil
Sir Nicholas Winton, who set an example of good triumphing over evil
You write (Morning View, January 27) that '˜The lessons of the holocaust are as pertinent as ever'.

It is good to know that evil, no matter how powerful and bad such as was the holocaust, can be trumped by good.

An example of good overcoming evil is the story of Nicholas Winton, a British stockbroker, who along with his Mother and friends organised and entrained 699 Jewish children from Prague to London on the eve of the Second World War.

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Their action saved these children from destruction. Nicholas Winton died in July 2015.

He was aged 106 years.

I had the honour of attending a meeting in Dublin where one of “Winton’s” children spoke about their escape from Prague.

After carrying out this amazing feat, Nicholas Winton faded from the scene until he was rediscovered in 1988.

The Jewish lady told us that he was being well looked after by the British Jews, and he had been taken on a flight around London on a small plane for his birthday!

Apparently, he loved flying. It was estimated that the descendants of those children whom he had helped save number around 5,000.

Micheal O’Cathail, Fermanagh

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