Ellis a hard act to follow as editor

Outgoing Church of Ireland Gazette editor Canon Ian EllisOutgoing Church of Ireland Gazette editor Canon Ian Ellis
Outgoing Church of Ireland Gazette editor Canon Ian Ellis
I could not allow the occasion of the retirement of Ian Ellis as Church of Ireland Gazette editor to pass without expressing my thanks to him on the two occasions he has taken me on board.

Shortly after I retired from full-time employment I was welcomed aboard the Gazette to do a particular job with Ian and Clifford Skillen, which I enjoyed.

Back in January I was asked to fill in as acting assistant editor and I accepted somewhat reluctantly, though I soon found the five months were enjoyable.

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Working with Ian on these two occasions I soon discovered he was meticulous in everything he did and a conscientious worker. How he managed to survive this job for 16 years I will never know.

Yes, there is a lot of responsibility, but just a few weeks ago I asked Ian about his holidays over these years and he replied: “Well, I couldn’t take a month off. I just had to organise a few weeks at a time, which was not too bad when Clifford was there.”

Think about it – 16 years and always involved weekly in filling the paper.

He was never afraid to report on the “unpopular” story and many of these were picked up by the daily papers.

Ian did a magnificent job and will be a hard act to follow.

Have an enjoyable retirement Ian and it was a pleasure to know you.

Harry Allen, Lisburn

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