Democrats should take an oath to abide for good of society

First Minister Arlene Foster pictured in her office at Parliament Buildings, Stormont for a News Letter interview. 
Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.First Minister Arlene Foster pictured in her office at Parliament Buildings, Stormont for a News Letter interview. 
Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
First Minister Arlene Foster pictured in her office at Parliament Buildings, Stormont for a News Letter interview. Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
The admission by our first minister (February 6) that Sinn Fein are there and we have to work with them because of their mandate was not, if I remember correctly, a key value espoused by anti-agreement activists during the battles over the Belfast Agreement and the promised Better Deal.

In a democracy, anyone can stand for election but they should be compelled to demonstrate a suitable record of behaviour and take an oath that sets a standard they must abide by for the good of society.

Whilst I wish Mrs Foster (pictured above in her News Letter interview) well in her career, she will not become a Mother in Israel until she is free to progress unhindered by those who are unrepentant for aiding the chariots of evil against her people.

David Barbour, Coleraine

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