By pulling out of Syria, Trump was keeping his election promise

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Letter to the editor
I am not sure why President Trump's decision to pull us forces out of Syria caused such alarm an surprise in Europe.

Any casual observer will have noted such promises during Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign: no more pointless foreign wars, mind our own business overseas, etc.

Perhaps it is the keeping of campaign promises that shocks our establishment, rather than the move itself.

Politicians keeping promises — surely not?

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Well I suppose trump was not a politician when he made these promises.

American forces are not in Syria legally, they have no UN resolution to be there, and have not been invited in by the Syrian government, unlike the Russians, who seem to pass one of these two legality tests, being there with Assad’s blessing.

So Trump is now complying with international laws broken by his predecessors?

Trump campaigned on and was sworn in on upholding the American constitution, a remarkable document condensed to four pages, unlike Mrs May’s EU bill at a whopping 580 pages (and counting) as some of these pages are simply referencing other EU dictates.

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The US constitution stands against the sending of military forces overseas, and the forming of entangling military alliances with other nations.

Last time I looked the US had 7-800 overseas military bases, the Russians had about 10, I believe.

The US constitution is not in favour of having a standing military. I suppose that is because a standing army will be looking for a war to legitimise its existence.

The constitution was more about forming militia in times of trouble, hence the 2nd amendment right to hold an bare arms which puzzles many onlookers, ie armed citizens form militia, rather than having a large standing military spoiling for a fight somewhere.

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The Posse Comitatus Act was even supposed to prevent US military operating on non federal land within the US, as soldiers are not often the best policemen.

I thought the liberal establishment would have favoured this move by Trump or perhaps they are afraid this recognises Russia as the regional power in the Middle East, as Europe is not up to the job?

As for the thought of an EU army, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Brian Gibson, Comber