Anti-meat slogans should also apply to humans

One of the slogans which appeared on the side of Translink buses, paid for by a vegan group, which the UFU opposesOne of the slogans which appeared on the side of Translink buses, paid for by a vegan group, which the UFU opposes
One of the slogans which appeared on the side of Translink buses, paid for by a vegan group, which the UFU opposes
I read with interest your report on the vegan slogans, namely ‘It’s not personal choice when someone is killed’, and ‘Dairy takes babies from their mothers’

Surely those slogans would be much more appropriate when applied to the soon-to-be imposed abortion regime? Indeed the only adjustment needed would be to substitute ‘abortion’ for ‘dairy’. One cannot help but wonder if those who are so concerned about animal rights are as concerned about the rights of premature human babies.

Tom Ferguson, Ballymoney

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