Major milestone: Northern Ireland on brink of quarter million positive coronavirus tests

DoH figures for number of positive tests per council area, accurate as of 08-10-21DoH figures for number of positive tests per council area, accurate as of 08-10-21
DoH figures for number of positive tests per council area, accurate as of 08-10-21
According to the Department of Health, Northern Ireland is teetering on the brink of a major milestone in the Province’s counter Covid campaign.

The most up-to-date statistics show that as of Thursday this week, a total of 247,432 individuals had received positive Covid test results to date.

Given that the number of positive tests per day at the moment stands at around 1,200, it is likely that Northern Ireland will hit the quarter-of-a-million mark at some point in the days ahead – if it has not been reached already.

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According to the figures, about 1.55 million people in Northern Ireland have been tested, out of a population of just 1.9 million or so.

Social distancing is now being phased out in NISocial distancing is now being phased out in NI
Social distancing is now being phased out in NI

In other words, about 82% of individuals in Northern Ireland have been tested.

And roughly 13% of the whole population have had a positive test result.

This all comes as Covid measures begin to be eased.

The NI government announced on Thursday that social distancing is to be ended in pubs. And whilst officials are continuing to work on setting up a “vaccine passport” scheme, both DUP and Sinn Fein say they are hopeful it will not be introduced.

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In addition, a £20 weekly boost for Universal Credit claimants, put in place during the Covid crisis, was ended during the week.

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