McGuinness Somme tribute a stunt '“ Allister

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness will visit World War One 
battlefields next weekDeputy First Minister Martin McGuinness will visit World War One 
battlefields next week
Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness will visit World War One battlefields next week
A unionist politician has branded the upcoming attendance of Martin McGuinness at the site of the Battle of the Somme as a 'stunt'.

The former top IRA figure has announced he will be visiting a couple of World War One battlefields next week, alongside by Sinn Fein vice president Mary Lou McDonald.

The move was dismissed by the TUV’s Jim Allister, who said there was little “sincerity” in the Deputy First Minister’s gesture.

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However, DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson said it would not be right to “seek to exclude people” from acts of remembrance.

Meanwhile, the curator of a project aimed at remembering the First World War suggested it could be positive, since it might highlight the fact hundreds of thousands of men of varying backgrounds from across the island of Ireland took part in the fighting.

Mr McGuinness said he is making the trip in a “spirit of reconciliation”, whilst Ms McDonald said that it was “right to remember” the conflict – even though republicans were opposed what she described as an “imperialist” war.

Mr McGuinness will visit the Flanders region of northern Belgium – a region commemorated in the noted war poem ‘In Flanders Fields’.

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Mr McGuinness will also visit the Somme region of neighbouring France.

In a statement, Mr McGuinness said: “I am doing so in a sincere effort to recognise the human suffering and also the importance these events hold for the unionist section of our people.”

Sinn Fein vice-president Mary Lou McDonald said: “Republicans opposed the imperialist First World War and the subsequent slaughter which claimed the lives of millions. However, the loss of tens of thousands of Irish and Ulster Volunteers left a huge mark on our society.

“In this decade of anniversaries it is right to remember those who died in Flanders and at the Somme in a respectful and inclusive fashion.”

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Jim Allister, leader of the TUV and MLA for North Antrim (who has a great uncle who fell at the Somme) said: “It’s obviously a stunt. There are events at home that Mr McGuinness could do better to come to terms with.

“Namely, his active role in the directing and oversight of terrorism. I think if he began by facing the reality of that it’d be more impressive than a stunt in Flanders...

“I don’t think there’s any sincerity to it. I think it’s about just politicking.”

Jeffrey Donaldson, Lagan Valley MP and chairman of the Northern Ireland World War One Centenary Committee (which is tasked with organising commemorative events), said: “We must bear in mind that many of the soldiers from Ulster who died in the First World War were Irish nationalists.