Londonderry lawyer quits troubled child sex abuse inquiry

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she still has confidence in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual AbuseHome Secretary Amber Rudd said she still has confidence in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she still has confidence in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said she still has confidence in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse despite the resignation of another senior lawyer.

Londonderry woman Aileen McColgan, a law professor at Kings’ College London involved in the inquiry’s investigations into the Anglican and Catholic Church, reportedly quit due to concerns over the inquiry’s leadership.

Her departure follows the resignation of the inquiry’s senior counsel Ben Emmerson and his junior colleague, Elizabeth Prochaska.

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The inquiry has also had four different chairwomen since it was set up in 2014.

Asked about the latest departure, Ms Rudd said: “Yes, I still have confidence in the inquiry.”

Speaking at a policing conference in London, she said: “I saw the latest news on the inquiry today. I would say it is a matter for the inquiry.

“They are an independent inquiry so they will manage their own recruitment process.”

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An inquiry spokeswoman did not confirm or deny Ms McColgan’s departure.

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said: “The resignation of yet another senior lawyer will come as a major blow to the victims of child sex abuse.”