Jim Allister: The PM is wrong '” the Belfast Agreement is not based on a seamless border

Theresa May speaking in Belfast last week, to an audience including prominent DUP politicians. 
Photo Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker PressTheresa May speaking in Belfast last week, to an audience including prominent DUP politicians. 
Photo Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker Press
Theresa May speaking in Belfast last week, to an audience including prominent DUP politicians. Photo Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker Press
An indication of how far the prime minister has lost her way on Brexit was her foolhardy declaration in Belfast, as reported in the News Letter on Saturday, that the Belfast Agreement is founded on '˜a seamless border'.

As one of the agreement’s architects, Lord Empey, pointed out it contains no such premise.

Indeed, doesn’t the ‘consent principle’ revolve around the very existence of the border.

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Yet, we have a remainer Prime Minister now inflating the relevance of an agreement whose structures have nothing to do with the EU and, whether I like it or not, exist with or without EU membership.


The fact that the motive seems to be to justify tying the United Kingdom into regulatory alignment with Brussels is as obvious as her related folly of agreeing the political declaration in December 2017 which gave birth to the infamous backstop requirement.

That needless backstop commitment has become the ploy by which a complete Brexit is to be thwarted, with exaggeration of the Belfast Agreement provisions part of the cover.

Jim Allister, TUV leader