Iceberg water stolen from vodka company

A typical tabular iceberg. PA Photo:  C GilbertA typical tabular iceberg. PA Photo:  C Gilbert
A typical tabular iceberg. PA Photo: C Gilbert
Thieves have stolen 30,000 litres of iceberg water from a Canadian vodka company.

Iceberg Vodka CEO David Meyers says he is mystified by the theft.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police say someone made away with the water - enough to fill a tractor-trailer tanker - from a warehouse in Port Union, Newfoundland.

The water is valued at around £5,200.

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Mr Meyers told the BBC that the water was discovered missing on Monday after they found one of the tanks had been completely drained over the weekend.

It would have taken “a bit of work” to access as it was secured behind a locked gate and door, he said.

The water is insured but the company is only able to harvest it in the spring from the icebergs that appear annually on Newfoundland and Labrador’s coast, also known as “iceberg alley”.

“We only have one crack at doing an iceberg harvest a year,” he said. “It’s just like a grape harvest for the wine industry.”

“It’s not like there’s a black market for [it],” he said.

“So if someone is trying to offload 30,000 litres in a tanker or something, I would like to hear about that.”

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