Down Cathedral celebrates 200 years of worship

Secretary of State for James Brokenshire at Down Cathedral in Downpatrick with the Very Rev Henry Hull on St Patrick's Day 2017Secretary of State for James Brokenshire at Down Cathedral in Downpatrick with the Very Rev Henry Hull on St Patrick's Day 2017
Secretary of State for James Brokenshire at Down Cathedral in Downpatrick with the Very Rev Henry Hull on St Patrick's Day 2017
One of Northern Ireland's most historic churches is preparing to celebrate 200 years since the present building was restored and reconsecrated.

The site of Down Cathedral in Downpatrick – where St Patrick is reputed to have been buried – has been the focus of worship since the fifth century, with the current church in use since August 1818.

The Dean of Down, the Very Reverend Henry Hull, told the BBC: “We will have a special service to celebrate the bicentenary of the building being reconsecrated.

“One of the great privileges of ministering here is to know people have been on this site praying and worshipping over the centuries.”