Don't accept Brexit vote, Belfast City Council employee says in email to 3,000 staff

Belfast City HallBelfast City Hall
Belfast City Hall
A Belfast City Council employee has sent an email to every one of the council's almost 3,000 staff in which the Brext vote was branded 'a horrific mistake' and Nigel Farage was described as a racist.

The email – which was sent today during working hours by an employee paid from public funds – was addressed to “fellow Europeans” and argued for the democratic vote to be overturned.

It said: “If you were not born here, I just want to say that you, your family and friends are welcome in this country. I, and the overwhelming majority will stand up for you and remain your friends.

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“A horrific mistake was made on Thursday by an electorate misled by a self serving media and politicians trying to sell papers and gain political points through division. They did not expect to win and are quickly back peddling with the exception of that racist Farage (whose mask has now totally slipped).

“For those who voted remain. Do not accept this, contact your MLA and tell them to vote down article 50 if and when it is proposed.

“For those who voted leave but now regret it then it is perhaps even more important that you contact your MLA and tell them that you have changed your mind.

“For those who voted leave and have not reconsidered then I urge you to look around you and think again.”

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Belfast TUV councillor Jolene Bunting said that the action “may well merit dismissal”. She said: “Everyone is, of course, entitled to their own political views regardless of how undemocratic those views may be but they are not entitled to use council facilities to propagate them.

“Nor is anyone entitled to do so while styling themselves as an employee of the council. The comments about those who campaigned for the successful Leave vote on Thursday past are totally out of order and should merit immediate action.

“A democratic decision was taken and yet an employee of the council appears to have taken it upon themselves to urge a rejection of the will of the people. This is totally out of order.”

In a statement, the council said: “Belfast City Council has a policy in relation to ‘ALL BCC emails’ which is that they are only to be used for operational reasons and not for personal messages or opinions, and any breaches will be investigated.

“We will not comment on matters pertaining to any individual member of staff.”