Two arrests after man threatened with knife in his own home

Police have appealed for informationPolice have appealed for information
Police have appealed for information
Detectives investigating the report of an aggravated burglary in Newry on Wednesday night have made two arrests.

Police received a report at around 11:40am that the male occupant of a house on Killeavy Road returned home to find two male intruders inside the property

The man was threatened at knifepoint by the suspects, who had caused damage to the property.

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Officers subsequently arrested two men, aged 21 and 22-years-old, on suspicion of offences including aggravated burglary and possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit an indictable offence.

Both men remain in custody assisting officers with their enquiries.

Detective Sergeant James Johnston said: “Thankfully, the victim and another witness who was present were not physically injured; however, this must have been a distressing ordeal for them.

“Enquiries are continuing and we would appeal to anyone who was in the Killeavey Road area yesterday between 11:20am and 11:45am and noticed any suspicious activity, including anyone who noticed anything out of the ordinary to call our detectives in Ardmore on 101, quoting reference number 626 of 03/03/21.”

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