Rural search targeting republicans uncovers suspected firearm and ammunition

Detectives from the PSNI’s Terrorism Investigation Unit have recovered what they called “a suspected firearm”.

It was found, along with a quantity of ammunition, in a rural area to the south-east of Strabane on Saturday, as part of an investigation into violent dissident republicans.

The search in the Spout Road area was planned.

Both the suspected firearm and ammunition have been taken away for further forensic examination.

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Detective Inspector Anthony Kelly said: “The PSNI’s priority will always be to protect communities and keep people safe from harm, and today’s search demonstrates that we will continue to work with our communities to disrupt the activities of this small group of people who are intent on using violence.

“There is no place for this type of activity and the vast majority of people in our communities want to live in a peaceful society.

“I want to appeal to anyone who has information which could assist our investigation to contact us on 101, quoting reference number 765 of 07/03/20.

“Or, if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”