PSNI recover firearm after three operations against ‘New IRA’

The PSNI has recovered a firearm after a series of searches today relating to the so-called New IRA.

The PSNI has recovered a firearm after a series of searches today relating to the so-called New IRA.

In a statement, the PSNI said its Terrorism Investigation Unit carried out searches of land today at Baladoogh Lane in Cookstown.  

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“As a result of this search, a firearm has been recovered,” the PSNI said. “Today’s action is part of an ongoing investigation into the activities of the New IRA.”

Also today, Detectives from the same PSNI unit, supported by Garda officers, conducted a search of land at the Killea Reservoir on the border of Londonderry and Donegal as part of an ongoing investigation into the activities of the New IRA.

Derry City and Strabane Area Coordinator Chief Superintendent Darrin Jones said: “The search operation today covered a large area of land at the Reservoir and officers from the Police Service were supported by colleagues from An Garda Siochana. Today’s action is part of our ongoing investigation into the activities of the New IRA.”

A 21 year old man arrested in Londonderry yesterday as part of an investigation into the activities of the New IRA was also released today following questioning. The investigation is ongoing.

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The New IRA shot dead journalist Lyra McKee in Londonderry while she was observing rioting in Londonderry’s Creggan estate in April 2019.

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