Proposed new PSNI branding ‘chimes’ with Sinn Fein policy: TUV

The proposed replacement PSNI brandingThe proposed replacement PSNI branding
The proposed replacement PSNI branding
A PSNI rebranding exercise, which will exclude the name ‘Northern Ireland’ from its official logo, “chimes well” with the language used by Sinn Fein representatives, Jim Allister has said.

The TUV leader was commenting after Chief Constable Simon Byrne revealed details of the new proposals.

Mr Byrne said the brand review is “focussing on using ‘Police Service NI’ as opposed to ‘PSNI’, and added: “Our current brand is simply the crest and we aim to enhance this to better reflect the breadth and depth of what we do and to improve our connection to our communities.

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“We are keen to bring consistency and a fresher look to the Police Service NI brand and imagery across our digital platforms, publications, building signage, livery and our website. Alongside this, we are reviewing our uniform and our vehicle fleet signage. We are not changing the crest or the name of the Service as both are representative of the service we deliver and are set in law.”

The current PSNI logoThe current PSNI logo
The current PSNI logo

Mr Allister said: “I have an outstanding Freedom of Information request with the PSNI about the decision to change the names of their Facebook pages by dropping the words Police Service of Northern Ireland.

“It has since become clear that this was part of a wider rebranding. The decision to drop the words Northern Ireland and replace it with the letters NI is something which chimes well with the practice of Sinn Fein ministers to use the phrase ‘NI Act’ when referring to the 1998 Northern Ireland Act in the Assembly.”

Mr Allister added: “I note that there are some who say that this is simply part of rebranding...but why would the police seek to rebrand in a fashion which makes the official name of the service less visible?”

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On Twitter, UUP MLA Doug Beattie said he is satisfied the rebranding is to bring the PSNI “into line with the rest of the UK”.

He added: “We don’t call Police Service Scotland the PSS we call them the Police.”

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