'Northern Ireland is not a safe haven for any wanted persons trying to avoid arrest' say PSNI after man wanted for sexual offences against children in Germany arrested

Officers from the Police Service of Northern Ireland's International Policing Unit have arrested a man in his 30s wanted in Germany for sexual offences involving children.

The man was detained in Belfast this morning, Thursday 10th November, on a German extradition warrant and will appear at an extradition hearing at Laganside Magistrates Court later today.Constable Willie Dynes from the International Policing Unit said: “This is another example showing our continued determination and commitment to work with International Law Enforcement partners to track down wanted persons and bring offenders to justice."Our message is clear, Northern Ireland is not a safe haven for any wanted persons trying to avoid arrest and the consequences of their previous actions. We will relentlessly pursue those that are trying to delay or deny justice to victims of crime."