N.I. paedophile found guilty of 22 sex offences - sentenced to five years jail

The man has been sentenced to five years in prison.The man has been sentenced to five years in prison.
The man has been sentenced to five years in prison.
A Northern Ireland man (53) who was found guilty of 22 historic sex crimes was sentenced to five years imprisonment in Dungannon Crown Court on Tuesday.

The man, who is from Omagh, Co. Tyrone, will also serve two years on probation when he is released from prison and he will also be on the sex offenders' register for life.

The man is also banned from working with vulnerable people and children.

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P.S.N.I. Detective Chief Inspector Gary McDonald welcomed the sentence handed down and praised the victims at the centre of the case for their bravery.

“I welcome the sentencing of this man for 22 historic sexual offences including a number of indecent assaults and gross indecency on a teenage boy and indecent assault on a woman.

“The offences dated back to the 1980s and I commend the courage of the victims in coming forward and seeking justice many years later.

"I would encourage anyone who has been sexually abused to come forward and report it to police, even if it was a long time ago.

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"We have trained officers who will treat all victims with sensitivity and respect.

"This case shows that even if a number of years have passed, we can still investigate reports of sexual offences against children and place offenders before the courts so that justice can prevail.”