MLAs condemn second ‘viable beer keg bomb’ in same area in a week - PSNI close area down to examine suspicious object

The Newtown Road at Camlough Lake, just outside Camlough, Co. Armagh, has been closed in both directions following the discovery of a suspicious object. Local diversions are now in place however members of the public are asked to avoid the area whilst the object is examined. Photo: Pacemaker.The Newtown Road at Camlough Lake, just outside Camlough, Co. Armagh, has been closed in both directions following the discovery of a suspicious object. Local diversions are now in place however members of the public are asked to avoid the area whilst the object is examined. Photo: Pacemaker.
The Newtown Road at Camlough Lake, just outside Camlough, Co. Armagh, has been closed in both directions following the discovery of a suspicious object. Local diversions are now in place however members of the public are asked to avoid the area whilst the object is examined. Photo: Pacemaker.
SDLP MLA Justin McNulty has condemned a suspicious object at a south Armagh beauty spot which he has described as “a viable bomb”.

The PSNI said today that the Newtown Road at Camlough Lake, just outside Camlough, has been closed in both directions following the discovery of a suspicious object.

Local diversions are now in place while police investigate.

Newry and Armagh SDLP MLA Justin McNulty said: “This is mindlessly reckless and has to be condemned outright. Those responsible are deluded if they think they have any support for their actions.

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“This crude and viable device was left at one of South Armagh’s most popular beauty spots. It could have killed. It is frightening to think there are those in our community hell bent on dragging us back to the dark days of our past.

“I have spoken with Senior Police Officers and have conveyed my disgust and anger at this incident. This isn’t the first incident of this type, just last week a similar device was found at Clay Lake outside Keady.”

Mr McNulty said the incident must be condemned “by all right thinking people” and that those responsible need to realise “their futile and life endangering acts have been rejected by the people of this island”.

Newry & Armagh DUP MLA William Irwin MLA claimed it was “a beer keg explosive device”.

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“This is yet another reckless incident which is bringing yet further disruption and indeed risk to people in the area,” he said. “I understand that the device is being examined by technical teams and hopefully this device can be safely dealt with.

“Looking at the pictures it certainly is worrying to see and it has obviously been designed to injure or kill. This type of reckless action really is beyond reason and any right thinking person would outrightly condemn this activity. I thank again the PSNI and security forces for their swift actions in dealing with this very real threat to public safety.

“There have been a number of security alerts in recent days and indeed a similar device was placed at Clay Lake Keady. This is a further escalation of this worrying trend. I would call on those behind this activity to cease immediately and would ask the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the PSNI.”

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