Man who smashed up prison landing during serious disorder is jailed for five months

Hydebank Young Offenders' CentreHydebank Young Offenders' Centre
Hydebank Young Offenders' Centre
A man who smashed up a prison landing and barricaded himself in while armed with a tray of boiling water has been jailed for five months.

Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard Michael Kane was involved in serious disorder which erupted at Hydebank Young Offenders’ Centre.

The 22-year-old, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to criminal damage and possessing offensive weapons with intent to commit assault.

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Police were called to the detention facilities in the south of the city after inmates became destructive on May 11, 2018.

Every window in an association hall had been smashed from the inside out.

A glass door entering the servery area and six lights were also destroyed.

All furniture had been moved and used as a barricade, including tables, chairs, sofas and a fridge.

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Two males were armed at the time, brandishing a broken brush shaft and metal trays.

According to the prosecution Kane had a bowl of boiling water containing glass fragments.

It was accepted, however, that he had not instigated the disorder.

Defence lawyer Eoghan McKenna told the court Kane has struggled to obtain settled accommodation in the community.

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“Unfortunately he has found some stability in the custodial environment,” the solicitor said.

With the defendant currently in custody at Maghaberry Prison on other matters, Mr McKenna stressed there have been no further disciplinary issues.

Sentencing Kane to five months behind bars, District Judge Amanda Henderson acknowledged: “You were not the main player in this serious incident.”