Man left permanently scarred by 'barbarous' acid attack in Belfast

Court report.Court report.
Court report.
​A man has been left permanently scarred by a “barbarous” acid attack in east Belfast, the High Court heard today.

​Prosecutors said corrosive liquid was thrown over the victim’s face and body after he was chased to a house at Sunwich Street on August 5.

Up to five men allegedly targeted him and warned that they would return with “a crew from Dublin”.

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Details emerged as bail was granted to one of those accused of involvement in the attack.

Pawel Lesniewski, a 40-year-old Polish national with an address at Beersbridge Road in Belfast, denies causing grievous bodily harm with intent and criminal damage to the victim’s car.

The court heard that the injured party, aged in his 20s, had been followed while driving his Audi A6.

When he stopped at a property in the area a number of men emerged from another vehicle, with one of them throwing acid at him.

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The attackers, also believed to be foreign nationals, left the street but declared that it was not the end of the matter.

One of them allegedly stated: “We will come back with more cars, we will come back with a crew from Dublin.”

The rear window of the victim’s car was also smashed with either a metal bar or another blunt object.

A Crown lawyer said he was taken to hospital where he spent a number of weeks undergoing treatment.

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The man suffered 10% burns to his face, neck and torso which required skin graft surgery.

Photos were produced to show his “splash mark” corrosive injuries.

“He is expected to have permanent scarring,” prosecution counsel confirmed.

During police interviews Lesniewski said he agreed to go out with others to get food on the day of the incident but had limited further recollection.

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When shown footage he claimed to have acted as a mediator, the court heard.

Lesniewski is not suspected of throwing the acid but has been charged as part of an alleged joint enterprise.

Opposing his release on bail, the prosecutor submitted: “The recklessness and barbarity of this attack is of the greatest concern to police.

“This complainant was chased to his friend’s property, having been attacked on the road, and then attacked again.”

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Mr Justice Kinney was told the other suspects have still not been located.

Defence barrister Sean Devine described the case against Lesniewski as tenuous.

CCTV footage from the scene only shows his client in conversation with another individual, he insisted.

Mr Devine argued: “The Crown doesn't even suggest that he offers any encouragement, or gets involved in any form except for being a passenger in a vehicle.

“He doesn’t bear this man any personal animosity.”

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Granting bail to the accused, Mr Justice Kinney ordered him to live at an approved address.

Lesniewski was barred from contacting the victim or any witnesses, and prohibited from entering east Belfast.