Man caught doing 96mph along icy country road gave excuse: I’m late for cinema

Image of the icy road and speedclockImage of the icy road and speedclock
Image of the icy road and speedclock
Enniskillen roads policing officers detected a vehicle travelling at a whopping 96mph in icy conditions – with the driver saying he “didn’t want to be late for the cinema”.

Enniskillen roads policing officers detected a vehicle travelling at a whopping 96mph in icy conditions – with the driver saying he “didn’t want to be late for the cinema”.

The driver was spotted on Friday night on the Clanabogan Road, a narrow, largely unlit country road, south-west of Omagh.

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The PSNI added: “He will soon premiere before the local magistrate.”

The post prompted condemnation and mirth-making online.

One Frances Folliard said: “That road is dangerous at the best of times, not a bit wonder there is so many accidents with a plonker like this. Hope he loses his license.”

A Roy Swindle asked: “Was he going to watch Need for Speed? Or Fast and Furious: Ice Edition?” whilst Emma Duncan said “he needed Spiderman to get him out of this...”

And one Rob Andrews, mimicking the anthem from the movie Frozen, added: “Let him go, Let him go, don’t hold him back anymore! Let him go let him go he’s never done it before...”

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