Man accused of driving his car into pregnant woman

​A motorist allegedly drove into a pregnant woman after choking her inside his car, the High Court heard today.
Court reportCourt report
Court report

Harry Boyle, 33, is accused of pursuing and striking her as she tried to flee from the vehicle in Londonderry.

Boyle, of Richmond Avenue in the city, denies charges including attempted grievous bodily harm with intent, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, common assault and non-fatal strangulation.

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He also faces further counts of dangerous driving, failing to stop at the scene of an accident causing injury, and driving while disqualified.

During a bail application prosecutors said a member of the public reported seeing a man in a car run over a female passenger in the Carnhill area on February 10 this year.

Later that evening the alleged victim told police Boyle had allegedly punched and strangled her as they travelled in a Ford Fiesta near the Creggan Road roundabout.

In an initial account where she disclosed being pregnant, the woman claimed he was driving “dead fast” while the passenger door was open.

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“The injured party said she managed to get out of the vehicle and run away, but the applicant pursued her… and struck her with the vehicle,” a Crown lawyer submitted.

Police at the scene observed injuries to her knees and lower legs, along with cuts to the back of her head and mouth.

Later that night the woman attended Altnagelvin Hospital’s Emergency Department, where staff confirmed she was 12 weeks pregnant at the time.

However, she has not made a formal complaint and potential witnesses have also declined to give statements to investigating detectives.

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Boyle’s barrister, Sean Doherty, argued there is such a “paucity” of evidence against him that the case will never reach trial.

“The applicant denies these allegations in the strongest terms,” counsel stressed.

“There have been a number of factual assertions but not a single one of them can be corroborated.”

Despite expressing concerns due to the alleged victim’s pregnancy, Mr Justice McFarland indicated there may be issues about allowing her initial account as evidence.

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“Police will investigate, but they can’t force her to make a statement if she declines to do so,” he said.

Boyle was granted bail under strict conditions, including a ban on driving or consuming alcohol.

The judge further ordered: “He will be excluded from the streets (near) where the injured party lives.”