Lagan College former school welfare officer charged with sexually assaulting 11 girls

Court reportCourt report
Court report
​A school welfare officer has been returned for trial charged with sexually assaulting 11 girls.

Neil Beckett is facing prosecution following an investigation into alleged offences spanning a period of more than four years. The 42-year-old worked as a health and wellbeing officer at Lagan College in south Belfast.

Beckett, of Kilmore Village in Downpatrick, Co Down, is accused of sexual touching and sexual communication with a child, according to the charge sheet.

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The allegations relate to eleven different girls and cover dates between September 2018 and February 2023.

A preliminary enquiry to establish if there is a prima facie case to answer was listed for hearing today at Belfast Magistrates’ Court.

The Courts Service confirmed later that Beckett has been committed for trial on a future date to be fixed.

He was granted continuing bail on conditions which include a ban on contact with anyone under the age of 16 unless approved by social services.

Beckett is also prohibited from contacting staff at Lagan College in relation to the case.

A previous court heard that he is currently on suspended leave.