'Go back where you f*****g came from' - Two NI men arrested in connection with violent brawl outside Irish bar in Liverpool

A violent brawl breaks out as a doorman says to two men from Northern Ireland to "go back where you f*****g came from".A violent brawl breaks out as a doorman says to two men from Northern Ireland to "go back where you f*****g came from".
A violent brawl breaks out as a doorman says to two men from Northern Ireland to "go back where you f*****g came from".
Two men from Northern Ireland have been arrested in connection with a violent brawl outside of an Irish bar in Liverpool last Friday.

A video of the incident has been widely shared on social media.

Two men can be seen walking away from bouncers near Lanigan’s Bar on Ranelagh Street.

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Still within earshot, one the bouncers tells the two men to "go back where you f*****g came from".

A violent brawl ensues and within seconds it spills out on to a busy street with approximately 20 people involved.

Two men, aged 27 and 35, both from Northern Ireland, were arrested on suspicion of affray.

The two men have been released as police carry out an investigation.

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Merseyside Police Detective Inspector Gary Thomas, described the mass brawl as a "shocking incident".

"This was a shocking incident and, although we have made two arrests, we are continuing our enquiries and conducting licensing checks to ensure we find all those responsible."

DI Thomas added: “This was the first weekend hospitality venues were allowed to open indoors under easing of coronavirus restrictions and we are committed to ensuring that people can enjoy their night out in Liverpool safely, without incidents such as this.

“If you witnessed the incident or have any information then please let us know, either directly or anonymously through Crimestoppers. Any information you hold could be vital to our enquiries.”

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Lanigans Bar issued a statement in which it distanced itself from the doorman at the centre of the incident.

"On behalf of Lanigans Bar Liverpool, we would like to address the scene brought to our attention.

"Firstly, we do not condone violence of any sort, especially by security staff responsible for the safety of the public.

"We would like to clarify that the bouncer in question, is not a member of Lanigans staff and was not working for us on the night in question, he was assisting our bouncers and works in a completely different venue.

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"However, that is no excuse and we are very saddened to see altercations of such magnitude on the street outside our premises."


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