Ex-England footballer Sinclair racially abused policeman

File photo dated 19/12/17 of former footballer Trevor Sinclair arriving at Blackpool Magistrates' Court with his wife Natalie. The former England star will appear in court on Tuesday accused of crimes including assaulting a police officer and a racially aggravated public order offence. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday January 2, 2018. He will appear at Blackpool Magistrates' Court charged with offences of driving while unfit through drink, assault on a police officer, racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress, failing to provide a specimen for analysis, criminal damage to property under the value of £5,000 and indecent conduct in a police station. See PA story COURTS Sinclair. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA WireFile photo dated 19/12/17 of former footballer Trevor Sinclair arriving at Blackpool Magistrates' Court with his wife Natalie. The former England star will appear in court on Tuesday accused of crimes including assaulting a police officer and a racially aggravated public order offence. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday January 2, 2018. He will appear at Blackpool Magistrates' Court charged with offences of driving while unfit through drink, assault on a police officer, racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress, failing to provide a specimen for analysis, criminal damage to property under the value of £5,000 and indecent conduct in a police station. See PA story COURTS Sinclair. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire
File photo dated 19/12/17 of former footballer Trevor Sinclair arriving at Blackpool Magistrates' Court with his wife Natalie. The former England star will appear in court on Tuesday accused of crimes including assaulting a police officer and a racially aggravated public order offence. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday January 2, 2018. He will appear at Blackpool Magistrates' Court charged with offences of driving while unfit through drink, assault on a police officer, racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress, failing to provide a specimen for analysis, criminal damage to property under the value of £5,000 and indecent conduct in a police station. See PA story COURTS Sinclair. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire
Former England footballer Trevor Sinclair has been ordered to do 150 hours' community service and given a 20-month drink-driving ban for racially abusing a policeman after being arrested while twice over the limit.

The 44-year-old TV pundit asked the officer if he was being arrested because he was black and accusing the police of racism before urinating in a patrol car, Blackpool Magistrates’ Court heard.

Sinclair continued being racist after he was taken to the cells at Blackpool police station.

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Sinclair, of Victory Boulevard, Lytham, Lancashire, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to drink-driving and a racially aggravated public order offence on November 12 last year.

Passing sentence, District Judge Jeff Brailsford ordered Sinclair to pay £500 compensation to Pc Gareth Evans and gave the defendant 150 hours’ community service for each offence, to run concurrently.

He also banned him from the road for 20 months.

Nick Freeman, representing Sinclair, said the “catalyst” for his behaviour that night was being subjected to racism, in front of his family, while out having a meal hours earlier.

Mr Freeman said a woman had approached the father-of-four, patting him on the head and calling him a “little chocolate man”.

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After Sinclair’s guilty pleas, the prosecution dropped other charges including assault on a police officer, failing to provide a specimen and criminal damage.

District Judge Brailsford told Sinclair: “In a truly civilised society racism has absolutely no place whatsoever.

“You have worked long hours to try to eradicate what is a real scourge in society.

“It’s also to enormous credit the work you do to try to get rid of racism.

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“I don’t know how anybody copes with that sort of thing and comes through it unmarked. So it is particularly sad when events unfolded that night, the words you used that night.

“I’m confident, from all the things I have heard, you are unlikely to be troubling the police and courts again.”

Earlier, Jim Mowbray, prosecuting, told the court that, at around 8.45pm on November 12 last year, police were alerted to an incident at Sinclair’s home address but were told he had left in his Tesla car and he may have been drinking.

Patrols were out looking for him and found his car stopped in the middle of the road in Clifton Drive, Blackpool, after Sinclair had been in collision with a woman who had stepped into his path after getting out of a tax.

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In a statement read to the court, Pc Evans said: “I asked Mr Sinclair what had happened. It appeared to me he was drunk, unsteady on his feet and his eyes were glazed.”

Sinclair was given a roadside breath test and was found to be twice over the drink-drive limit, giving a reading of 72 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath, with the limit being 35mg.

Sinclair was cautioned and arrested and a secure van requested to the roadside - but then his behaviour changed, the court heard.

Pc Evans’ statement continued: “Before his arrest he was very calm, polite and courteous.

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“He started asking if it was because he was black. Black people are under-represented in the police. He started getting more confrontational, he was getting more aggressive. I did not like the direction the conversation was going in - he was accusing me of being racist.

“He began to become more agitated and aggressive.”

During the search, the officer discovered Sinclair’s trousers were wet - and that he had urinated while sitting in the police car.

And when Sinclair was put in the back of the police van, he called the officer a “white...” followed by a swear word as the van doors slammed.

Sinclair made further racist comments while in the back of the van and continued to be “obnoxious, aggressive and racist while being booked in”.

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Pc Evans’ statement concluded: “Sinclair’s behaviour following his arrest was awful. I’m not a racist. His behaviour was extremely racist.”

Mr Mowbray said the woman whom Sinclair appeared to have knocked over with his car suffered only minor injuries, might have been drinking herself and may have stepped into his path, so he was not prosecuted for any offence over that matter.

The court heard that Sinclair did a lot of voluntary work with youngsters interested in football and was involved in anti-racism charity Show Racism The Red Card.

Nick Freeman, representing Sinclair, said: “He’s totally appalled at his behaviour. He’s embarrassed, genuinely contrite and first and foremost would like to apologise to Pc Evans.

“He accepts police were not racist towards him.”

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He said the defendant had been out for a meal with his wife and family and then to a bar.

Mr Freeman continued: “Whilst in that bar, a lady came over to the defendant and rubbed his head and called him a ‘little chocolate man’.

“That appears to be the catalyst.”

The court heard that Sinclair went home but was “angry” and decided to go out in his car.

After his arrest, he was placed in the police car for 30 minutes where he apparently urinated, the court heard.

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Mr Freeman continued: “Unfortunately he needed to use the bathroom and was unable to do so.”

Sinclair was “shocked” that he was handcuffed as he was put in the police van and then gave a “running commentary of his perception of racism in this country”, Mr Freeman said.

He added: “He actually abhors racism and he’s been a member of a charity - it’s called Show Racism The Red Card.

“The purpose of the charity is to eradicate racism, not just in football.

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“The terrible paradox is, that increases the sense of frustration, embarrassment and contrition.

“The real Mr Sinclair is someone who abhors racism.

“His behaviour on this particular evening may well have a terminal effect on his TV career.”

Sinclair, who played as a winger for Manchester City, West Ham and Blackpool and made 12 appearances for England, has also appeared as a pundit for BBC Sport.

He made no comment after leaving court.