Drunk man missed Belfast wedding after falling asleep in baggage compartment of bus and waking up in Ballycastle

The man woke up in BallycastleThe man woke up in Ballycastle
The man woke up in Ballycastle
Police have issued a cautionary tale after a man’s drunken night out in Belfast ended up with him falling asleep in the storage area of a bus and waking up in Ballycastle - missing the wedding he should have been at back in Belfast.

In a social media post yesterday Causeway Coast and Glens police asked, “Have you ever woken up and wondered where the heck you where?”

The post continues to tell the story: “Well today we dealt with one such instance, and this is how it went…

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“A lovely bunch of tourists had been touring the country and last night they stayed in Belfast. Today they made the trip, in their tour bus, all the way to Ballycastle.

“As they parked up to disembark they could all hear a banging noise and what they thought was a voice. To the drivers, tourists and onlookers surprise they opened a side storage panel to find a Stowaway!!

“Unfortunately, or some may say fortunately, (as he got a free trip to Ballycastle) a man was there.

“This guy had went out for a ‘night on the town’ with his friends when he became a little tired and also extremely intoxicated.

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“He sighted a tour bus, opened the hatch and closed it behind him sitting and falling asleep on a box within. To his surprise and the tourists surprise he’d found himself no longer in Belfast but in Ballycastle!!

“Thankfully this male was safe and well and was helped with gaining travel back to Belfast.

“However, it’s safe to say he’ll be in somebody’s bad books after missing the wedding he should’ve been at today in Belfast!