Charges dropped against man accused of Irish League footballer assault

Institute's Niall Grace is back playing footballInstitute's Niall Grace is back playing football
Institute's Niall Grace is back playing football
The charges against a man accused of assaulting an Irish League footballer in a '˜one punch' attack have been withdrawn.

Matthew McDermott, of Cornshell Fields, Londonderry, was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Institute footballer Niall Grace. Mr McDermott was further charged with disorderly behaviour in the Waterloo Street area and possession of ecstasy.

The charges related to an alleged incident on September 11, last year.

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Niall Grace was in a critical condition for a period after he sustained a head injury.

He has since made a full recovery and has returned to the football pitch to play for Institute.

The grievous bodily harm charge against 22-year-old Matthew McDermott was withdrawn in its entirety.

Londonderry Magistrate’s Court was told Mr McDermott has already accepted a formal caution in respect of the other two charges.

As a result, they were also withdrawn by the prosecution.

Mr McDermott was not present in court for the brief hearing.