Call for plaque in memory of Protestant senator murdered by IRA

News Letter report of the Senator Billy Fox murderNews Letter report of the Senator Billy Fox murder
News Letter report of the Senator Billy Fox murder
A Fine Gael senator from Co Louth has proposed the placing of a plaque in Leinster House in memory of a fellow senator murdered by the IRA in 1974.

John McGahon described the murder of Senator Billy Fox, a border Protestant, as a “cold blood” killing.

Mr Fox was attacked and shot dead as he visited the family home of his girlfriend, Marjorie Coulson, at Tircooney near Clones.

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He was chased for more than half a mile by his killers and shot in the back.

Five members of the Provisional IRA were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder, however, it is thought that up to 13 terrorists were involved.

In a Twitter message on Friday, Senator McGahon said: “Today is the 47th anniversary of the murder of Senator Billy Fox by the IRA. Billy was murdered in cold blood as he visited his fiancé.

“I’ll be proposing on the Order of Business today that the Oireachtas commemorate Senator Fox by way of a plaque in Leinster House.”

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He later added: “We have many dark chapters in our history, If we fail to remember them, we fail to learn from them.”

Speaking in the chamber as he proposed the motion on Friday, the senator said false information had been given to the IRA – accusing Mr Fox’s girlfriend’s family assisting loyalist paramilitaries.

“They were wrongly tipped off and lied about and told that the Coulson family were hiding arms for loyalist paramilitaries,” Mr McGahon said.

“A total and utter lie and a stain upon the Coulson family.

“Subsequently, the Coulson home was burnt down and the family put out on to the side of the road.,” Mr McGahon added.

A message from the Editor:

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