Cafe linked to Loyalists Against Democracy (LAD) target of hate crime attack

The window has been smashed and paint thrown over the premises at the Whitehead cafe.The window has been smashed and paint thrown over the premises at the Whitehead cafe.
The window has been smashed and paint thrown over the premises at the Whitehead cafe.
The wife of a former satirical blogger says the window of her cafe, which was destroyed by thugs, was older than the Titanic.

The PSNI say three men smashed the coffee shop window on Kings Road in Whitehead on Monday just after 11pm. They also poured paint over the premises, in what police are treating as a hate crime.

Barbara Whearty posted photographs of the attack on Twitter, prompting an outpouring of support.

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Her husband, John-Paul Whearty, is the founder of the controversial but now defunct social media account, Loyalists Against Democracy (LAD). A Sunday paper ran an interview with Mr Whearty at the weekend, who said he left LAD four years ago and has not had any control over its output since.

Mrs Whearty tweeted: “We won’t be able to open tomorrow, I don’t think. Or maybe ever again.... The window is original, it’s older than the Titanic.”

Sinn Fein MP Michelle Gildernew was one of the first to offer support. “It’s disgusting that there are people out there who would do that,” she replied. “Don’t let them grind you down.”

Blogger Alan in Belfast also offered his support, as did former PUP leader Dawn Purvis. “These people need to wise up and stop what they are doing,” she said.

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Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International added: “So sorry to see this Barbara. Outrageous.”

East Antrim Alliance MLA Stewart Dickson assured Mrs Whearty of his support. “Anyone with information should speak to PSNI or Crimestoppers,” he added.

Police have asked for information on tel 101, quoting reference 2270 04/08/20.

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Alistair Bushe
