Arson attack in the dead of night targets home in loyalist-dominated city neighbourhood – PSNI say lives were at risk

Mayflower Street, BelfastMayflower Street, Belfast
Mayflower Street, Belfast
A house in east Belfast has been set on fire.

The PSNI said that the blaze in Mayflower Street, a densely-packed terraced road in a loyalist-dominated area near Connswater, caused extensive smoke damage.

They are treating it as arson.

Detective Sergeant Sam McCallum said: “At approximately 1.30am this morning we received a report of a fire at a house in the Mayflower Street area of Belfast. “An examination of the scene suggested the fire was started deliberately and the incident is therefore being treated as arson.

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“No-one was present in the house at the time of the incident but the lives of nearby neighbours were put at risk by the reckless actions of the person or persons responsible for starting the fire.

“Enquiries are continuing and at this stage, the fire is being treated as deliberate.

“We would appeal to anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the area at the time to contact police on 101, quoting reference number 116 17/07/20. You can also submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

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Alistair Bushe