Co Tyrone engineering firm expands with 16 new jobs

DETI Minister Jonathan Bell (right) with Brian Lagan, managing director of Lagan Engineering Ltd in CookstownDETI Minister Jonathan Bell (right) with Brian Lagan, managing director of Lagan Engineering Ltd in Cookstown
DETI Minister Jonathan Bell (right) with Brian Lagan, managing director of Lagan Engineering Ltd in Cookstown
Sixteen jobs are being created at a Co Tyrone engineering company.

The posts, which will have an average basic salary of £22,000, are part of an expansion at Cookstown-based Lagan Engineering, which designs and manufactures custom-built products for the sand, quarry, waste and recycling industries.

Invest Northern Ireland has contributed £134,250 worth of assistance.

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Enterprise, Trade and Investment Minister Jonathan Bell, who visited the firm, said: “The new jobs will contribute £345,000 annually to the local economy and expand the manufacturing skills base in the Tyrone area.

“They include key management posts that will help guide the company as it moves to the next level.”

It is hoped the investment will help the company, which currently employs 33 staff, double its turnover in the next two years.

The cash boost has helped extend workshop space, install new plant and machinery, undertake marketing activities and strengthen its workforce through the recruitment of key posts and skilled workers.

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Brian Lagan, managing director of Lagan Engineering Limited, said: “This investment will allow us to expand and diversify over the next two years.

“With new workspace and an operations manager, a design engineer and a quality manager in place, we are confident that we can achieve significant turnover growth and increase our level of exports.

“The support from Invest NI is crucial to enabling us to gear up for new market opportunities and expand our customer base.”

Eleven of the 16 jobs have already been filled.