Cameron to visit NI at the weekend as part of Euro drive

Prime Minister David CameronPrime Minister David Cameron
Prime Minister David Cameron
David Cameron is to visit Northern Ireland on Saturday as part of his EU referendum campaign, Downing Street has confirmed.

Exact details of the trip will be confirmed later but the Prime Minister is expected to carry out a number of engagements.

The News Letter had already reported in Friday’s edition that a rumour of his visit to the Province this weekend had been circulating.

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Mr Cameron has pledged to visit all regions in the UK in a bid to make his case for remaining within the EU.

The main political parties in the region are split over the Brexit issue.

Sinn Fein, the SDLP and cross community Alliance Party are all campaigning for the UK to remain within the EU.

The Democratic Unionists are backing a withdrawal from Europe.

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The Ulster Unionists have delayed nailing their colours to the mast on the issue until they have an internal debate on Mr Cameron’s EU reform deal, with leaders expected to make the party’s position clear next week.

However, UUP leader Mike Nesbitt has already made a number of pro-EU remarks in recent days.

Earlier this week, Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers also faced calls to resign from nationalists over her stance on the Brexit issue.

However, the Prime Minister has pledged his support, telling the Commons Ms Villiers does an “excellent job”.