Brexit: Time-limited backstop not yet on table, says Sammy Wilson

Anti-Brexit protestors outside the House of Commons yesterdayAnti-Brexit protestors outside the House of Commons yesterday
Anti-Brexit protestors outside the House of Commons yesterday
DUP MP Sammy Wilson has said his party is currently ruling out the prospect of a time-limit on the Irish border backstop – but indicated it may be open to backing such a move if no other alternative can be agreed.

The controversial issue of the backstop has been the main sticking point in the Brexit talks between London and Brussels, with the prime minister’s allies in government the DUP consistently stating the proposal must be ditched if they are to support any withdrawal agreement.

Earlier this month, DUP MP Jim Shannon signalled that a two-year time-limit on the backstop – written into the legally binding treaty with the EU – may be sufficient to win his party’s backing.

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But yesterday, DUP Brexit spokesperson Mr Wilson said his party would not support a temporary backstop arrangement as things currently stand.

He told the News Letter: “We want an alternative to the backstop. A time-limit is by far the second, third or even fourth best option.

“First of all it assumes you even need a backstop. Secondly it means accepting NI will be treated differently and we have to suffer the indignity of being an annex of Brussels rather than a part of the UK for a period of time.”

Following the defeat of Mrs May’s much-maligned Brexit deal earlier this month, the East Antrim MP insisted that the EU was now “on the run”.

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He added: “There is everything to play for now. The EU are accepting that even in the event of a no deal there are ways of monitoring cross-border trade. Our view is the PM should use this to her advantage.”

When asked if his party was entirely ruling out the prospect of a temporary backstop arrangement, Mr Wilson replied: “We don’t think that is on the table yet. We believe there are other avenues to pursue at this stage, and with the March 29 deadline approaching the PM has some leverage to pursue these.

“So we are ruling it out at the minute. I think a time-limit on the backstop is what the PM would like, but it is not our preference.

“If you got to a situation where it was the only thing on the table apart from a permanent backstop it may be the time to consider it, but that time is not now.”

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Mr Wilson’s remarks come as MPs prepare to vote today on a series of amendments to the PM’s plans that could shape the future direction of Brexit.

As news emerged last night that Mrs May had backed an amendment by Sir Graham Brady to an alternative to the backstop, Mr Wilson said the PM should “exploit the cracks which are emerging in the illogical position of the EU and the Irish”.

Insisting the UK must hold to the date of March 29 to maintain pressure on the EU and Ireland, Mr Wilson said: “Now is the time for the government to be tough and to face down the stubbornness of Dublin and Brussels.”

There was no sign in Brussels of any appetite to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement.

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Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier’s deputy Sabine Weyand warned there was now a “high risk” of the UK crashing out by accident, as it was “quite a challenge” to see how a majority can be constructed at Westminster.

And European Commission vice-president Jyrki Kateinen said there was “no reason to give any concessions” to the UK and there was “not much room for manoeuvre” on the backstop.