Attack on Karen Bradley for ‘not doing her duty’ is very significant: MLA

Felicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public AppointmentsFelicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public Appointments
Felicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public Appointments
An attack on Karen Bradley by a former public watchdog, who accused her of balking at her “duty” to ensure Northern Ireland is governed, has been described as a “very significant” intervention.

Felicity Huston, Northern Ireland’s former Commissioner for Public Appointments, levelled the criticism at Secretary of State Karen Bradley over the ongoing lack of either devolution or direct rule in the Province for over two years.

TUV MLA Jim Allister has previously castigated Mrs Bradley for her lack of action on the matter, as have other politicians.

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This new criticism comes from someone who formerly oversaw the mechanics of government, and whose role was non-political.

Karen BradleyKaren Bradley
Karen Bradley

Felicity Huston (who oversaw public appointments in the Province from 2005 to 2011) was quoted on Tuesday as telling the BBC Mrs Bradley has a “moral and constitutional duty to start running the country”.

Mrs Bradley – the principal representative of the UK government in the Province – has resisted calls from the DUP and others for direct rule throughout her tenure (which began in January 2018). Instead, she has stressed the Stormont deadlock should be broken by talks among Northern Irish parties.

Whilst this deadlock has left some areas of government in limbo, the Secretary of State has done things like alter the law so Policing Board members can be appointed without devolved government.

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“It will be seen as a bit of fiddling while Rome burns,” Ms Huston was quoted as saying. “A few decisions about a few public appointments is not what people need: they need serious stuff or an assembly back.”

Felicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern IrelandFelicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland
Felicity Huston, former Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland

Mr Allister told the News Letter: “She is familiar with the processes of government, and with how there needs to be proper oversight.

“So I think it’s very significant that somebody like that speaks out and identifies the patently obvious fact that we’re not getting government and we deserve government – and the primary, fundamental responsibility falls to the one who’s failing – Karen Bradley.”

He added: “The first duty of government is to govern. The clue is in the name.”

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The Northern Ireland Office said in response to Ms Huston’s comments: “Restoring the Executive remains the Secretary of State’s absolute priority. In the absence of devolved government, the UK Government has a responsibility to ensure good governance and public confidence is maintained in Northern Ireland.

“Under legislation passed in November, the Secretary of State gave a commitment to make critical appointments that may arise in the absence of an Executive. The secondary legislation going before Parliament this week specifies these offices.

“They are the Attorney General for NI, Commissioner for Children and Young People for NI, Commission for Victims and Survivors for NI, NI Housing Executive, NI Livestock and Meat Commission and the NI Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee.”