Asda Cookstown supporting Mid Ulster food banks

Asda Cookstown Community Champion with a donation for St Vincent De Paul.Asda Cookstown Community Champion with a donation for St Vincent De Paul.
Asda Cookstown Community Champion with a donation for St Vincent De Paul.
Asda Cookstown Community Champion Janice Gibson and her colleagues have come together to support local community food banks, Antioch House Store Food Bank and SvP Cookstown, as part of the retailer’s month-long Fight Hunger campaign.

Asda’s three-year ‘Fight Hunger Create Change’ programme, run in partnership with foodbank charity The Trussell Trust and food redistribution charity FareShare, has invested over £20 million to create long-term positive change to poverty in the UK.

With schools closed from the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak and an increase in unemployment levels, the need for food banks has increased dramatically.

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Locally, the initiative is being led by Asda’s instore community colleagues who have been working closely with their local foodbanks to ensure they receive donations of the items that make the most difference.

Janice Gibson, Asda Cookstown Community Champion, said: “When it comes to food donations, our customers are always so kind and generous. We are delighted to be getting behind the Asda Fight Hunger Create Change campaign, which will make a difference on a very local level as well as on bigger scale across Northern Ireland – especially with the implications Coronavirus has had on families.

“Over the next few weeks we’re really trying to increase the level of donations due to the ongoing pandemic and with schools being closed for the past five months, we have sadly seen an increase in referrals.”

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