Sir Jeffrey Donaldson: NI ideal location for large-scale Covid testing

Sir Jeffrey DonaldsonSir Jeffrey Donaldson
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson
Northern Ireland would be the ideal location for the next phase of the UK government’s programme of large-scale Covid testing, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has said.

The DUP MP also said he had asked the government to consider the proposal at Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons today.

Speaking following the debate, the Lagan Valley representative said: “As well as the work ongoing towards roll-out of a vaccine, it is vital there are other strategies in place to help with the fight against Covid-19.

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“Ramping up our testing regime is something we have been highlighting for some time and the population testing initiative in Liverpool highlights the potential this can hold.

Northern Ireland represents an ideal location for the next phase of this work to be rolled out.”

Describing the impact of the mass testing in Liverpool, earlier this month the Liverpool Echo reported: “Testing started at noon, as long queues of people waited to take part in the first day of Operation Moonshot in the hope that tight restrictions can be lifted in time for Christmas.

“Everyone in the city is set to be offered coronavirus tests over the coming days, and the Army have been drafted in to help run the test centres. Two thousand military personnel will be working in the city to support 85 new testing centres around the city.”

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Mr Donaldson added: “It has also been confirmed that mass testing is to begin on Saturday in Merthyr Tydfil as efforts are being made there to drive down infection rates, with further areas proposed across England. It is very important that Northern Ireland should be part of this national process and I would encourage the Executive to take forward the discussions promised by the prime minister”.