Health minister Robin Swann plans new clampdown on smoking in cars

New smoke-free rules would extend to vehicles with children presentNew smoke-free rules would extend to vehicles with children present
New smoke-free rules would extend to vehicles with children present
Health Minister Robin Swann plans to tighten rules on smoking in cars in order to protect children.

Mr Swann laid out his plans to prioritise and progress regulations on smoking in cars when children are present, as well as preventing the sale of nicotine inhaling products to those aged under 18.

He said: “The use of tobacco continues to be a primary cause of preventable ill-health and premature death in Northern Ireland. It is vital that we maximise our efforts to reduce smoking prevalence and protect people, particularly children, from the effects of second- hand smoke.”

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Legislation is already in place which bans smoking in certain premises, places and vehicles including on public transport and in work vehicles used by more than one person.

The proposed new regulations would extend the current smoke-free provisions to private vehicles where children are present, and when there is more than one person in the car and the vehicle is enclosed. It is also proposed that failing to prevent smoking in a smoke-free private vehicle will be made an offence.

Mr Swann said: “Children and young people are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of second hand smoke as they breathe more rapidly and inhale more pollutants per pound of body weight than adults. The Royal College of Physicians has reported that this can lead to increased risk of asthma, lower respiratory infections, middle ear disease, bronchitis, bacterial meningitis and sudden infant death syndrome, as well as reduced respiratory function.

“These planned regulations will play an important role in protecting children from the harms of nicotine addiction and tobacco use. I anticipate that, subject to Assembly approval, these regulations will be operational early next year.”

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The Minister has also laid out his plans to prevent the sale of nicotine inhaling products, such as e-cigarettes, to anyone aged under 18, under the Health Miscellaneous Provisions Act (NI) 2016.

It will also be an offence to purchase such products on behalf of a child. These offences mirror current offences relating to tobacco sales.

Minister Swann said: “Youth smoking prevalence in Northern Ireland has been steadily decreasing in recent years, and I do not wish to see this trend reversed because young people.”

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