Principal writes letter to parents warning some sixth form pupils are planning to go to house parties in the area this weekend - appeal to stop their children engaging in “risk-taking behaviours”

A school classroomA school classroom
A school classroom
A school principal in Co Armagh has warned parents of sixth form pupils that some are planning to go to house parties in the area this weekend.

Fiona Kane, of St Ronan’s College in Lurgan, said it was causing “a great deal of concern” in the school.

It has been reported on the BBC that a letter has been sent to parents appealing for them to stop their children engaging in “risk-taking behaviours”.

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Many schools in Northern Ireland have sent pupils or staff home to self-isolate after positive Covid-19 cases.

A few have also had to close for short periods.

St Ronan’s College is a large school with more than 1,500 pupils, about 330 of whom are in sixth form.

In a letter to parents, Ms Kane said she had been made aware of plans for a number of parties involving pupils this weekend.

“We have been informed of a number of planned parties, including indoor house parties and other social gatherings over this coming weekend involving a number of our sixth form pupils,” she wrote.

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She said that pupils had a right to life outside school and that some of the restrictions were difficult for young people and everyone else.

“However, their health and safety and that of our entire college community is of paramount importance to us, particularly whilst we are still working and living through this pandemic,” she continued.

“However, the potential negative impact on the health and safety of members of our school community supersedes all of that.

“I am sincerely appealing to all parents and carers of Year 13 and Year 14 students, to support us in keeping everyone safe and well.

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“We do not want to have any outbreak of the coronavirus in the college.”


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