Massive rise in cost of shared education campus

Education Minister Michelle McIlveenEducation Minister Michelle McIlveen
Education Minister Michelle McIlveen
The cost of a major shared education campus in Northern Ireland has spiralled from a projected £169m in 2016 to £228m.

It is hoped the Strule Shared Education Campus, located on the site of a former Army base in Co Tyrone, will be completed by 2025.

Stormont Education Minister Michelle McIlveen was questioned on the project during Assembly questions yesterday.

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She described the 2016 estimate as not including an allowance for inflation, and said the increase of more than a third was largely due to increases in building and site work costs, and the potential impact of construction price inflation in future years.

She said the next step would be to launch a procurement competition to build the five post-primary schools and shared facilities alongside the existing Arvalee School.

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan said the campus, which had initially been planned to open in 2020, had been “met with considerable delays” and urged that it be prioritised by the Department of Education.

Ms McIlveen revealed that over £46 million had been spent on the campus to date, a “incredible investment which I am keen to see progressed”.

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“I understand that work will continue with regards to trying to move forward to tender and I would still hope that the construction can complete in 2025,” she said.

“While it is overdue, I am confident that we’re moving in the right direction.”

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