Wealth of support available for exporters from Northern Ireland: Lord Offord

Minister for Exports Lord Offord. Photo: Brian ThompsonMinister for Exports Lord Offord. Photo: Brian Thompson
Minister for Exports Lord Offord. Photo: Brian Thompson
There is a “wealth of support” available to Northern Ireland businesses involved in exporting, or with ambitions to export, delegates at a major trade event have heard.

​At a special business roadshow in Lisburn, Exports Minister Lord Offord praised the innovative spirit in NI he said was worth celebrating.

Speaking afterwards, the minister said: “Northern Ireland businesses have some fantastic exporting success stories, and it was a pleasure to meet with so many of them at the Made in the UK Roadshow here in Lisburn and learn about their journeys.”

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Lord Offord added: “There’s a wealth of support available to Northern Ireland businesses to help them sell their brilliant goods and services overseas, whether they’re veteran exporters or just starting out, and we’re determined to ensure they can make use of it and tap into the exciting opportunities available.”

The roadshow, Made in Northern Ireland, Sold to the World, was delivered by the News Letter's National World sister publication, Insider Media, in partnership with the Department of Business and Trade.​ It brought together more than 100 Northern Ireland based businesses and industry stakeholders to "celebrate exporting successes and opportunities and promote the wide range of export support services available to businesses across Northern Ireland”.

Lord Offord said: “Northern Ireland exported over £13 billion worth of goods and services in 2021 and businesses are doing fantastic work creating innovative products made in the UK sold to the world, all while supporting jobs and economic growth.”

The minister said it was important to celebrate businesses with great exporting stories, offering inspiration to others looking to get onto the exporting ladder.

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Outlining the government support available to exporters in NI, Lord Offord highlighted the DBT’s recent announcement that it is further expanding its export support across the UK with the introduction of International Trade Advisors, and the Export Support Service “which offers vital support at home and in markets around the globe to British businesses who want to sell to the world”.

In 2021, the number of VAT registered businesses in Northern Ireland exporting stood at 16,400.