Terex to reopen in compliance with mandates and in response to demand

Terex site at DungannonTerex site at Dungannon
Terex site at Dungannon
Terex has taken the decision to resume production, at a reduced capacity, in all its sites in Northern Ireland from Monday, May 18.

The company, with bases at Omagh, Dungannon, Campsie and Ballymoney, will introduce health checks, face covering and social distancing measures to help protect staff and customers.

Pat Brian, Vice President and Managing Director of Terex Mobile Cushing and Screening explained: “Where team members can work from home we are continuing to facilitate this. This decision follows the Department for the Economy’s recent publication permitting a list of priority business sectors, which includes Terex, to continue to operate during the COVID-19 in the UK.

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“Our primary focus during the COVID-19 pandemic is to ensure that we look after the health, safety and well-being of our workforce, and to do all that we reasonably can to protect our team members while at work. Our employees’ health and well-being is at the centre of our operations, and in order to keep our returning employees and workplace safe from the virus we have implemented comprehensive safety measures in line with Government guidance and Terex best practice. In particular we have conducted risk assessments and are following the guidance as set out in the Northern Ireland ‘Practical Guide to making workplaces Safer’.

“Going forward, in addition to our other COVID-19 safety and preventive measures, we are introducing three compulsory enhanced measures to help protect the health and safety of team members and others who may need to come to our sites: Health Checks Upon Entrance: COVID-19 health check self-assessment utilising the Health and Social Care Application and no-touch temperature screening/checks to screen for high temperatures and avoid having sick persons on our site. Face coverings will be mandatory for close working and/or face to face conversations and social distancing measures across the sites.

“These measures also extend to visitors to sites, and visitors will be on an essential basis only. By taking a series of actions we can reduce risk and improve our confidence that we can operate in a safe work environment. We anticipate that these measures will be in place for the foreseeable future.

“Our Leadership team will continue to monitor the situation daily.”

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The operation status of other MP factories around the world is available at: www.terex.com/en/covid-19/manufacturing

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