Free data webinar: making business better

Doing data better: sign up for free todayDoing data better: sign up for free today
Doing data better: sign up for free today
The Scotsman Data Conference returns this year on Thursday, September 30.

On this occasion, the annual event focusing on how data can drive us not only to come out of the pandemic as quickly and sure-footedly as possible, but also on how it can help us to prepare for the possibility of similar occurrences in the future.

A joint venture between The Scotsman and DDI (Edinburgh’s The Data-Driven Innovation), the conference aims to build on the two previous events, which focused on ethics (“Doing Data Right”) and collaboration (“Doing Data Together”), examining how we are harnessing this approach into Doing Data Better.

The event is built around four big themes: data and climate change; data and future pandemics; data and tourism and economic recovery; and data and social/financial inclusion, and the event will also feature short video presentations from specific research projects using data to support efforts to build back better after the pandemic.

With more than a dozen speakers currently scheduled for the all-day event, there will be plenty of opportunity to cover a broad scope of the topics that have arisen since previous conferences, whilst most importantly looking to what can be achieved in the future.

After an introduction by conference host David Lee, there will be keynote speeches by the likes of award-winning journalist and author Allison Schrager, who will be discussing why understanding risk is key to doing data better, as well as panel sessions of the rebuilding of the economy at a time when social inclusion has never been more important, and more discussed by the general public.

Admission to the virtual Scotsman Data Conference 2021 is free, but places are limited, and must be booked in advance at Further information about the event will also be updated at that website, and links to last year’s conference are available at

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