Praise as Chancellor cuts VAT on food, accommodation and attractions

Northern Ireland Hotels Federation (NIHF) CEO Janice GaultNorthern Ireland Hotels Federation (NIHF) CEO Janice Gault
Northern Ireland Hotels Federation (NIHF) CEO Janice Gault
The Northern Ireland Hotels Federation (NIHF) and Managing Director of Hastings Hotels has praised the Chancellor for making cuts VAT on food, accommodation and attractions from 20% to 5%.

In a statement, the NIHF CEO Janice Gault said: “The Northern Ireland Hotels Federation applauds the Chancellor Rishi Sunak for the measures he has announced to support the tourism and hospitality sector.

“This is a real game changer for the industry and will increase our chances of survival.

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“Having campaigned for more than a decade, the news of a cut in VAT on food, accommodation and attractions from 20% to 5% until January 12 is a tremendous result for the sector, under the chancellor’s plans to kickstart the economy.

“It will allow us as an industry to compete on an all island basis and it also helps hoteliers address a number of challenges as they return to trading.

“Other measures including funding for eating out in the form of an “Eat Out to Help Out” discount, in addition to further furlough support and subventions for employees are a recognition of the sector as an economic driver and a job rich sector.

“Throughout the crisis the chancellor has trod a brave path showing ingenuity and creativity in his support mechanisms. Hoteliers have opened with a willingness to trade and have shown their commitment to the local economy in doing so. This latest development will create a sustained positive impression on the economy and shows that the hospitality sector is positioned as an engine for growth.”

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Howard Hastings, Managing Director of Hastings Hotels added: “We very much welcome the announcement from the Chancellor regarding the cut to VAT on food, accommodation and attractions from 20% to 5%. We are currently updating our rates to reflect this and the new, lower priced accommodation will be available to book from tomorrow.

“The introduction of the ‘Eat Out To Help Out’ scheme giving diners 50% off their meals Monday to Wednesday from 1st August will also be implemented across our seven properties.

“These measures will go a long way in helping the local economy recover in the coming weeks and months ahead and will hopefully encourage more people to visit restaurants and book a staycation this summer. We hope this will also give an extra incentive to visitors from the Republic of Ireland and the UK to book a visit to Northern Ireland this summer as it certainly adds extra value to what we already offer.

“With the increased demand we hope these measures will generate, we will now re-open the Europa Hotel for accommodation earlier than planned on Saturday 1st August.”

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