Majority against Brexit - Danske Bank

Angela McGowanAngela McGowan
Angela McGowan
People in Northern Ireland still remain more supportive of the UK staying in Europe than people in Great Britain, according to a new poll of Northern Ireland residents conducted by Danske Bank.

A survey of 1,000 people carried out last month showed that 56 per cent of respondents were content to remain in the EU, 18 per cent wanted to leave and 26 per cent said they were uncertain.

That compares to a previous poll in June 2015 where 58% wanted to remain with the same 2% rise for those wishing to leave.

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Although 56 per cent expressed a desire to stay in the EU, there was a further breakdown of 45 per cent who were content to stay with the current terms and conditions and 10 per cent who would like to stay in the EU but hope the UK will continue to push for reform within Europe.

“Support for staying in Europe is by far the majority view although the leave campaigners have made a little ground over the last year,” said Danske chief economist Angela McGowan.

“Typically we have found that middle class households, men and full-time workers remain most eager for remaining in the EU. However, older people, those on low income households and people living in the north of Northern Ireland are more likely to support a Brexit.”