Fane Valley backs Christmas appeal

Trevor Lockhart, Fane Valley, Chief Executive, pictured with Rosie Arthur, Service Coordinator, Action for Children.Trevor Lockhart, Fane Valley, Chief Executive, pictured with Rosie Arthur, Service Coordinator, Action for Children.
Trevor Lockhart, Fane Valley, Chief Executive, pictured with Rosie Arthur, Service Coordinator, Action for Children.
Farmer Co-operative Fane Valley and its wider group of agri companies joined forces recently to help collect hundreds of Christmas toys and gifts for Co Antrim-based charity, Action for Children.

Staff from across Fane Valley Feeds and Fane Valley Stores, Linden Foods, Linergy, Hilton Meat Products, and White’s Oats have been collecting toys, vouchers, games, cosmetics, books, puzzles, teddies, colouring sets, hair dryers, aftershaves and perfumes and much more over the recent weeks for this very worthy local children’s charity.

This is the third year Fane Valley has committed to supporting the toy appeal for Action for Children who currently care for over 4,000 vulnerable children and young people across Northern Ireland.

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Trevor Lockhart, Fane Valley chief executive, said: “We are pleased to be able to show our support for Action for Children this Christmas. We believe in trying to help our local community in whatever capacity we can; especially those families that will find it difficult during this festive time.

“This is our third year collecting across the group and it is very pleasing to see such generosity and good will amongst our staff. Everyone at Fane Valley would like to wish all the children within the charity a very special and happy Christmas.”

Speaking at the recent toy collection, Rosie Arthur, service coordinator, Action for Children, commented: “The staff from Action for Children have just been overwhelmed by the generosity shown by Fane Valley and all of their many companies. We were so pleased and excited when they chose our Co Antrim office to donate their toys.

“This will make such a big difference to the children and young adults in this area at Christmas. We really can’t emphasise how amazing and generous this truly is.”