COVID-19 Information Hub now open to serve

Businesses can advertise for free by going to the websiteBusinesses can advertise for free by going to the website
Businesses can advertise for free by going to the website
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has developed a new online information hub as part of its response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The resource aims to keep the community informed and up to date as the emergency situation continues. To support businesses, an interactive map will be available for potential customers to browse.

This map goes far beyond advertising delivery services and will include other retail and services including home and garden supplies, repairs and professional services as well as online classes. Businesses can advertise for free by going to

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The hub also uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to showcase the mammoth community response to COVID-19 with details about over 70 initiatives in place right across Causeway Coast and Glens. This includes support services including assistance with shopping, collection of prescriptions and keeping-in-touch calls which are a lifeline to the isolated and vulnerable.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Sean Bateson said: “Council’s ICT team has developed this very worthwhile information hub which is an excellent tool for our residents and business community. We really want to hear from all our local traders and retailers who are open for business to ensure that their services are highlighted. This is a very difficult time, especially for the small businesses in the community and they should be commended for how they have evolved their services in the face of this health crisis. Please go online and complete our registration form so we can help you to reach your customers.

“The hub is easy to navigate and is updated on a continuous basis to ensure you are getting the most accurate information in this fast-moving and fluid situation. It is important that those who live and work in the area are kept as informed and up-to-date as possible, and this online facility will help to ensure this.”

To access the information hub go to

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For businesses who want assistance to move online, fast-tracked support is now available through the Digital Causeway Programme. For further information go to

Keep up to date with latest announcements from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

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