Taoiseach to address NI business leaders

Taoiseach Micheal MartinTaoiseach Micheal Martin
Taoiseach Micheal Martin
Taoiseach Micheál Martin will speak with business people at an online event hosted by Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NI Chamber) on Thursday, April 22 at 11am.

The event, delivered in partnership with SSE Airtricity, is free and open to representatives from every organisation across all sectors of the economy.

During the live broadcast, the Taoiseach will discuss the economic and policy issues impacting all-island trade in an interview with former BBC NI Political Editor, Mark Devenport.

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Ann McGregor, Chief Executive, NI Chamber is extending the invitation to businesses of all sizes: “We are delighted to host the Taoiseach and to be providing local businesses with the opportunity to hear directly from him on some of the most pressing and important issues impacting firms. “Cross-border trade and collaboration presents very significant opportunities for growth, innovation and cost-savings and a joint investment strategy on roads, rail, air, sea, waste, digital and energy connectivity is key to realising these in the near future.

“There are already fantastic examples of it happening in practice - joint infrastructure projects, Universities working in partnership, all-island industries like dairy and indeed many businesses North and South, reaping the benefits of working together.

“This event is about building on that co-operation and encouraging even greater collaboration in what, post Covid-19 and Brexit, is a new operating environment. We want to see business people in that conversation and this event is an opportunity for them to get involved.”

The event will be streamed live from the Niavac studios and is free to attend. To register visit the NI Chamber website.

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