Register now for second free digital first webinar

Second webinar ‘Social Media: A step by step guide’Second webinar ‘Social Media: A step by step guide’
Second webinar ‘Social Media: A step by step guide’
The Mid Ulster Digital First Programme has returned with a new series of free digital webinars which are available to small businesses across Mid Ulster.

Following the success of the first webinar on Influencer Marketing, registrations have now opened for the second webinar ‘Social Media: A step by step guide’, taking place online, on Thursday, April 15 at 10am.

Two leading digital experts, Caeris Armour and Evie Gates will share their knowledge and experience and answer your questions during their 40 minute sessions, focusing on the fundamentals of Facebook Ads and Content Marketing. Local business, Carntogher Cabins will also be on hand to share their digital success story and provide insights into what is required to effectively use social media for business growth.

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Chair of the Council, Councillor Cathal Mallaghan said: “The first webinar on Influencer Marketing was a great success with over 100 registrations for the online event. Make sure you don’t miss out on webinar two - Social Media, by registering now. Here you will learn exactly how your business can get the most from your social media pages, covering everything from ads to content. Sign up now, you won’t regret it.”

For more information on this programme, or to register your free place please visit

The programme is being delivered by 42 Digital Ltd and is designed to support 150 Mid Ulster businesses by December 2022, to grow sales online and create new jobs.

The project is being managed by Mid Ulster District Council and part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme.

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Should you have any queries please contact 42 Digital Ltd, by telephone 028 8284 8933 or email [email protected].

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