Recruitment solution guarantees the right hire to grow your business

Ian Weatherup,MD and Michael Hewitt, Director from Corvus launch Corvus Assured (pic taken early March 20)Ian Weatherup,MD and Michael Hewitt, Director from Corvus launch Corvus Assured (pic taken early March 20)
Ian Weatherup,MD and Michael Hewitt, Director from Corvus launch Corvus Assured (pic taken early March 20)
Corvus Assured®, a brand new service aimed at providing companies with a solution to the consistent problem of getting the right people for the job has been launched.

This new recruitment methodology created by Belfast based Corvus, guarantees to save time, money and increase new employee retention. Corvus is confident of the accuracy of the process, that they will offer a 12-month guarantee on a new hire.

Research reveals that talent and recruitment are two of the biggest challenges that high-growth businesses face. Two out of five new hires turn out wrong within the first 18 months and replacing those people is estimated to cost the UK economy £3 billion per year. Getting the wrong hire is expensive, a bad hire at a salary of £40k can cost a business £120k. However, getting it right can lead to exceptional growth, with superior talent proving to be up to eight times more productive.

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With a combined 100+ years’ experience in the recruitment industry working with some of Northern Ireland’s best known companies, Corvus were keen to help companies solve the issue of getting the right hire.

The Corvus Assured® process is underpinned by an expert team of experienced consultants who are diplomats, authentic, empathetic with the ability to nuance, problem solve, whilst sourcing top talent globally including successfully working on US based assignments.

The Corvus Assured® process includes assessments in skills, experience, qualifications and behavioural profiling which leads to highly accurate hires. It gives businesses the confidence to make hiring decisions based on evidence, rather than gut instinct but it also gives new employees the confidence that the job they accept is the right one for them.

Corvus Assured® was originally due to launch in March 2020 but was delayed due to the first lockdown. During this time the team has successful trialled Corvus Assured® which has led to a 100% offers accepted, 100% job fill rate and a 100% new hire retention.

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Officially launching, Corvus Assured®, Ian Weatherup, Managing Director of Corvus, said: “In my 25 years’ of working in the recruitment industry, I’ve always felt like there is something that as an industry we could be doing better, and I believe with Corvus Assured® we’ve found the solution. It’s a process that leads to better matches for both candidates and clients which results in more profitable businesses and helps people avoid costly career mistakes. We’re so confident in the accuracy of our process that we offer a 12-month guarantee on new hires.”

For information on Corvus Assured® visit or follow the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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